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04 - (Apr) 2016 - Soil Yourself - International Year of Soils 2015

Why not come along and find out what the future might hold for our soils and the communities of microbes found in them at tonight's talk titled "Soil Yourself - International Year of Soils 2015".  The talk will be lead by Rebecca Philp who is a researcher from the Pirbright Institute. 

The International Year of Soils 2015 saw a big international push to raise awareness about the importance of protecting our soils and harnessing those using sustainable farming practices. Food security faces a number of pressures from climate change, a growing population and increasing environmental degradation. Soil is a non-renewable resource which is becoming increasingly endangered.

Soil microorganisms are responsible for all aspects of soil health; improving soil structure, preventing crop disease and improving plant health. Healthy soil also helps to combat climate change by acting as a carbon store and reducing release of nitrous oxide. It is important that we understand and harness the soil microbiome (the community of microorganisms found in soil) to increase crop yields and improve soil health. 

Rebecca is a third year PhD student in Veterinary Immunology at the Pirbright Institute. She worked in Science Policy and Public affairs in 2015 and published a policy briefing on Food Security from the Soil Microbiome.


"From Potato to Planet."

Soil is crucial to life. It's truly one of the wonders of our world. It's as simple as that.

To celebrate 2015 being the International Year of Soils, and this year's World Soil Day, The Soil Association made a film about soil with Aardman Animations (the people behind Wallace & Gromit and Shaun the Sheep). They wanted to show just how important soil is to the planet, and shine a spotlight on the role organic farming and shopping can play in protecting it.

Watch the film now.